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Configure Widgets

Pick and choose relevant widgets to be enabled for your organization from a repository of widgets that are pre-built from the onboarded products. Tailor your organization's needs by customizing the widgets with the required data points.

Configure Widgets



  • Select a product from the onboarded list of products.
  • View the available pre-built widgets associated with the chosen product.
  • For each widget, you have the option to enable or disable it for your organization.
  • Add the details for the enabled widgets to customize it based on your organization's needs.
  • Visualize the widgets to modify sizing and colors as required.
  • Submit the respective changes to save the widget.
Important Notes:
  • Regularly review and adjust widget settings to ensure that your system remains aligned with your evolving needs.
  • When selecting onboard products and widgets, consult with relevant teams and departments to ensure that you meet the diverse needs of your organization.